
6 Signs You May Be Suffering From Low Testosterone

Feb 14, 2024

6 Signs You May Be Suffering From Low Testosterone
You’re worn down, gaining weight, and overall not feeling yourself — could you have a hormone problem and not even know it? Keep reading to learn about six of the most common signs of low testosterone so you can take action today.

It’s practically inevitable: Once you hit your 30s, your testosterone levels begin their steady decline. In some men, this is no big deal. In others, it sets off an avalanche of health and wellness problems. 

We’ve seen too many men suffer through symptoms that disrupt their lives and relationships without even realizing what’s causing them. 

That’s why Hellen Ndungu, FNP, and our team at Rebuil-T Healthcare make testosterone therapy a key focus of our comprehensive services. 

Here’s how to spot the earliest warning signs of a testosterone problem so you can start taking the next steps toward relief. 

1. You’re not “in the mood”

While your libido may ebb and flow as you go through different phases of life, your overall sex drive should stay fairly steady. 


But if your testosterone levels drop too far, one of the first things to evaporate is your sex drive. If you’ve noticed that you aren’t “in the mood” at all, you may have a testosterone problem that needs looking at. 

2. You have erectile dysfunction

Getting and keeping an erection is largely a cardiovascular event, but you need plenty of testosterone to facilitate the process. Testosterone stimulates the production of nitric oxide in your penile tissue, which sets the stage for an erection. 

That’s why many men with low testosterone levels also have erectile dysfunction

3. You feel worn out

You eat well, you sleep enough, and you stay active, so why are you so worn out during the day? Hormone imbalances can often explain unexplainable fatigue, so we recommend coming in to have your testosterone levels tested if you’re struggling with low energy. 

4. You’ve got a lot of body fat

Having enough hormones in your system ensures that your body can turn food into energy. If you’re running low on testosterone, your body stores your food rather than burning it off. As a result, you might notice fat accumulates and sticks around more than it used to. 

5. You’re having mood swings

It’s not exactly understood why, but there’s a link between low testosterone levels and increased mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and irritability. Sexual dysfunction and decreased wellness can exacerbate your mental health symptoms as well. 

If you’re not feeling yourself, let’s talk about the possibility of a hormone imbalance.

6. You’re losing your hair

Have your flowing locks started to fall out? You may be able to blame low testosterone, but it’s complicated. Having low testosterone doesn’t automatically mean you lose your hair. 

Hair loss occurs as a result of problems with your hair follicles. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone that comes from testosterone. Without DHT, your follicles may not produce hair or be able to hang on to hair the way they used to. 

What to do next

Having low testosterone doesn't have to be a life sentence. If you identify with any of the symptoms we described above, come see us for testing. All we need is a blood sample to check the amount of testosterone in your system. 

If you have 300 ng/dl or less, you have what we consider low testosterone levels and qualify for treatment. We may also perform a physical exam and sperm count test to get a better understanding of the extent of your hormone imbalance. 

Many of our patients benefit from making healthy lifestyle changes and investing in testosterone replacement therapy. You may receive testosterone replacement therapy as an injection, pellet implant, patch, or topical gel. 

It’s not always easy to talk about your health issues but rest assured, our compassionate and experienced team is here to help you every step of the way. Call our friendly staff or use our online booking tool to schedule an appointment at our Georgetown, Texas, office today.